Why Britain's independent parties need to unite
The only chance to beat our first past-the-post-voting system and give the establishment a kick up the arse is to unite the independents on the right.
I believe the voters are desperate, this is anecdotal of course and after hours of conversations with many people across the political spectrum on and offline, something needs to change. The consensus among ordinary voters seems to be that a vast amount of people have lost faith in both sides of the coin in this two-party system between the Tories and the Labour Party.
What’s to be done when the vast populous feel cheated?
Do a vast amount of people feel as though the system of voting in the UK is rigged? Yes of course. I’d ask you this question, would you keep going back to the casino despite knowing that the house will always win? If so, then why would you vote?
As much as I sympathise with this, I’ll tell you what hope we have of beating the house that ‘always’ wins and I don’t think it’s proportional representation. However, IF the time comes, I will most likely vote in favour of it.
In four months I’ve watched this nation go through “change” without anything changing, which sounds odd, doesn’t it? We’ve seen four chancellors, three Home Secretaries two prime ministers and two monarchs, in FOUR MONTHS.
We are in a strange position here in Britain, what do you do when our head of state is compromised with this nauseating obsession with climate alarmism to stay in line with his mates over at the world economic forum?
What do you do when our cabinet is littered with careerists and sellouts to various organisations with globalist interests?
A prime minister, who almost looked promising despite the WEF skeleton in her closet, just had her cabinet decimated including herself for merely trying to pass a 5% tax reduction.
I don’t have any sympathy at all and I’m not shocked, I’m just bemused.
Now we have a change in Home Secretary, Suella Braverman actually looked like she wanted to make some changes. She wanted to push back the influx of migrants trying to invade our country (yes, it is an invasion). However, despite her attempt, It seems as though somewhere, being that of either the civil servants or a group of people behind closed doors do not like the direction she and a vast amount of the country, wanted to push towards.
They (alluding to these groups of people, whoever they are) would rather have as Home Secretary, somebody who wanted to model the ruthless Chinese-styled covid zero strategies, with the charisma of a teacher who has to monitor students in isolation (the irony) after they misbehaved in a lesson, a real dullard with a nefarious authoritarian undertone.
Get to the point! What’s the plan and where do we go from here?
I believe that uniting the independent parties together would give the people the best possible chance of creating a meltdown from the establishment.
The new deputy leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Rebecca Jane put out a tweet the day after she announced her position on October the 15th. See below.
As much as I think these conversations shouldn’t be all over Twitter or on a panel show, I’ll give credit where credit is due, at least SOMEONE is willing to step up and is trying to at least have the conversation.
The leader of Reform UK, Richard Tice arguably is the largest independent party right of the centre in the UK, announced his party will be standing in EVERY seat for the upcoming general election, a bold move indeed but, there is something to be said about it.
Tice will not make a single dent in the electorate.
UKIP under the leadership of Nigel Farage managed to secure 5 million votes 7 years ago, but only won TWO seats in parliament.
So do I think Tice has the capability of even beating those figures?
No, I do not, I’d have more of a chance of being struck by lightning.
I won’t be voting for Reform UK either.
Personally due to Tice’s support for saint Zelensky (the current thing) and their hesitancy in the past with their positions on lockdown and now the vaccine, in fact, I feel so disenfranchised with voting for any party that it feels like a lost cause.
David Kurten’s heritage party is the only political party that is consistent in policies.
They align with my political view, the problem is, and I mean this with the greatest respect to David as I know him personally, my vote on the heritage will do sweet fuck all (I’m sorry David).
UKIP now returning from the grave and wanting a coalition was definitely not on my bingo card this year.
But it’s a damn good idea if it means embarrassing the establishment, it’ll be tough, it’ll be like trying to win a rigged monopoly game when the banker isn’t watching your turn as you roll the dice.
So hang on Lewis, has anybody actually gotten together to chat about this unite the independent parties plan?
No, unfortunately not for now.
Calvin Robinson put out on Twitter an ultimatum for Sunday the 23rd of October 2022 at 2 pm at one of GB News’ studios for his show ‘common sense crusade’, well played to him as that’s a good scoop. tagging 5 leaders of the biggest independent parties in the UK, Richard Tice of Reform UK, Neil Hamilton of UKIP, William Clouston of the Social Democrats Party (SDP), Laurence Fox of the Reclaim Party, David Kurten of The Heritage Party and the familiar favourite that is Nigel Farage.
As it stands, UKIP, SDP and Reclaim have accepted having this conversation.
Heritage would like things to be done more privately (I agree with this position) and Reform UK are nowhere to be seen.
In my view, a strategic plan of giving the establishment a smack (metaphorically) of this magnitude needs to be arranged in private. No cameras and zero blabbering off to eager journalists. A serious hash out of a plan, to put differences aside and to focus on retaining the votes.
Reform UK has the highest amount of voter retention out of all the smaller right-wing parties.
This is the party that will need the most convincing, if every other party collaborate, Tice will have no choice but to make that decision.
People talk of egos, the truth is you need a bit of an ego to stand as a leader of a political party, you need to show you’re the shit and can lead a nation of people into greatness, I get it.
Now, however, is not the time for an ego trip.
If these leaders are truly SERIOUS about ‘kicking out globalists’, by putting the people’s interests back into Westminster, to give the people who feel disenfranchised with voting a solid square for them to strike an X across.
Every leader on that list talks a big game on social media.
Spouting out the change they want to enact if they had the power to do so, even posting “this is what my party would do instead of Tory/Labour.” The harsh reality and wake-up call are that every single leader will not get any of their MPs a foot in Westminster to challenge the careerists for a VERY VERY long time.
How about proving once and for all, by uniting as one and putting your principles where your mouths are?
I say if the leaders are not willing to put aside their differences for the sake of the country if they’re not willing to unite, get out of the way then. The British people who care about this country so deeply and will not vote Labour or Tory because they’re both two cheeks of the same arse, deserve better.