This new Climate Change documentary EXPOSES and dismantles the alarmist narrative
The Climate: The Cold Truth exposes the hypocrisy of the climate alarmist narrative and how this trillion-dollar industry fuelled by greed and fear has manipulated the public.
“People are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction.” This was the opening monologue by climate conspiracy theorist Greta Thunberg when she gave the famous speech back in September 2019 during the United Nations climate action summit where, a conglomerate of world leaders got together to address the issues surrounding the so-called impending doom that is, “climate change.”
The documentary exposes the hypocrisy of this trillion-dollar industry built on fear-mongering and lies with scientific data from world-leading scientists that present the counter-argument that climate change the media promotes as alarmism, is a hoax. These scientists include Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics) and others.
Without giving too much away, the documentary is chaptered.
Part I — The Science
This part examines the historical evidence of climate change including examining rocks on the climate’s history where it is claimed that we are at the tail end of an ice age, which is backed up by data that is provided in the film.
It also includes data on the last 2000 years, spanning back to the “Roman warm”, to now current times in which we are recovering from the Little Ice Age.
This chapter also includes temperatures and how it is measured which includes the data from rock formations, land vs ocean, tree rings, and how the measurement in towns has affected the official temperature record including the expansion of outside towns and the nuance surrounding non-climate influences.
Excerpt on Rural temperature from 1880 to current temperatures.
Part II — CO2
This chapter focuses on CO2 and its effects on the atmosphere and planet. It provides conclusive data that shatters the narrative that CO2 is this scary toxic gas that is going to kill us all due to fossil fuels, when in fact it is quite the opposite.
The chapter explains how CO2 is plant food, and the result of much higher levels of atmospheric CO2 in the past indicates it was a, “much more greener world.”
The chapter builds the case that we are in a CO2 famine, where nearly 20,000 years ago CO2 was at the lowest it was in the history of the earth at 180ppm (particles per million), if it had gone down another 30 we would all be dead. we are currently at approximately 420ppm (0.04%). Scientists have estimated that the earth could’ve potentially been up to 2000ppm at one stage indicating a large biodiversity on our planet.
It includes the data on the industrial output of CO2 coinciding with rural temperatures that shatter the mainstream narrative.
Part III — Nature
“CO2 is quite unimportant in controlling the earth’s climate, what is important is clouds.” This chapter answers the question of what controls the number and density of clouds on Earth where two scientists have found that there is a link between clouds and supernovas.
It also answers the question, “What affects temperature change on shorter time scales.”
It concludes that it is the sun that drives the temperature, not CO2.
More of the chapter shows data on natural disasters, heatwaves, global drought, arctic temperatures and other important data.
“There is no such thing as a climate emergency happening on our planet right now. There’s no evidence of one.” — Patrick Moore, Ex-President of Greenpeace.
Part IV & V — The Consensus & The Bandwagon
In this part, it examines why we are told again and again that manmade climate chaos is an undisputed scientific fact.
It shows the eccentric scare story of Global Warming exacerbated by former Vice President Al Gore, where over a billion dollars a year of public money was made available to research global warming and climate change.
It exposes how grants and public spending on these studies and the “consensus”, where academics were quick to sign up from sociologists, biologists, professors of English literature, professors of gender studies and many more.
Thousands of papers were published where people without even the surface level knowledge of climate change all about climate change and how various cultural and worldly activities may affect the climate, but nothing challenging the idea of climate change.
Government-funded research bodies got involved and inevitably created a trillion-dollar industry, therefore to question the sacred cow of climate change would mean the end of funding by the government.
Pure corruption.
The chapter then continues examining regulations and overhauls within businesses to adopt pro-climate policies including ESG (environmental, social governance) to help reinforce the narrative surrounding climate alarmism.
“All the jobs, all the funding, is totally dependant on their being a climate crisis.”
Part VI — The Politics of Climate Change
Naturally because of the funding from governments to force the narrative of alarmism, spills over into politics.
“Finally, we’ve got them, we can claim that it is the free markets who are destroying the planet and we need big government to save us.”
This chapter outlines the politics behind the climate alarmist agenda and where the narrative stems from. Where the, “Irresponsible actions of greedy individuals who consume too many products, have too many babies and drive too much.” The ‘solution’ is for governments to have greater powers to regulate private companies but also to guide and reshape lives by taking and changing civil liberties.
The only way for them to succeed is to force their ideals onto the populous.
This has created a divide in politics, the United States being a prime example, the liberals generally speaking are the subjects who depend on the government and are worried that we humans are destroying the planet, whereas conservatives do not want the government to overarch their lives and do not believe we are destroying the planet with CO2 and fossil fuels.
To be a climate sceptic within politics is taboo, it will be met with vitriol.
Part VII & VIII — Climate vs Freedom and Climate vs The People
These two parts are arguably the most important chapters in the entire documentary, which is how the climate alarmist narrative is used to take away everybody's civil liberties through legislation.
“Environmentalists like to pose as anti-establishment but their demands are well received and echoed by King Charles, the archbishop of Canterbury, the BBC, the UN, the EU, by heads of government, the World Bank and World Economic Forum, in fact by the entire state funded-ruling establishment.”
Global warming was and is one of the narratives that is used as the catalyst for pushing through big government and a world government.
The activists who push this, give the government the authority to take away as many civil liberties as they can in slow increments.
This chapter also looks at the mainstream media’s role in shaping behavioural control, because of this behavioural nudge, some activists are looking to criminalise scepticism on the climate.
The film was shot on location in the U.S., Israel, Kenya and the UK.
The film is available for free in its entirety on many online locations, including YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Twitter, Telegram and their website.
Watch in full below.
Great review; thanks!!